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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1


Year 1 is an important year for your child. It is the point when children transition from the Early Years Foundation Stage to the Key Stage 1 curriculum. Although the way children learn in EYFS is continued, it becomes more structured. We aim to make sure children's learning is engaging, interesting and fun to foster a love for learning. The children will continue to develop their phonetic skills to help both their reading and writing. Children will have a daily phonics lesson following Red Rose Phonics. 

Supporting your child at home with their homework and regular reading aloud can have a huge impact and will help your child to develop a positive attitude towards their learning. If you are ever unsure of anything, please don’t hesitate to call or email to discuss your concerns and queries. I’m always happy to help!

We use ClassDojo as the main sharing platform for our weekly learning, to connect with our families and much more. Please join in order to stay connected! Individual codes can be found on the parent invitation sent out at the beginning of each school year. If you require another  copy, please ask Mr Gambon.

Other ways how you can help your child with their learning:

  • Discuss the school day with your child – ask them what they’ve been learning about.
  • Hear your child read EVERY DAY so they can keep earning dojo points! Also, many other special rewards.
  • Ensure your child has all the equipment they will need in school each day (especially their Reading Record, wearing PE kit, forest school clothing and water bottle)
  • Follow the school on Facebook for regular updates about our learning here at Buckshaw.

Other things to remember:

  • Order your child’s lunch on ScoPay each week.
  • P.E. will be on Monday and Wednesday.
  • Long hair must be tied back at all times – not just for P.E. 
  • Please ensure that earrings are removed for P.E for health and safety reasons.
  • Please make sure that any uniform and personal belongings are named.
  • Classroom drinks should be water and in a clearly named bottle.
  • Reading books will be changed on a Monday and a Wednesday.
  • Homework is sent out at the start of each half-term.